Geisha Almost forgot about this little sketch. At some point I plan on doing a little Geisha series.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Falling in Love again Over the past few years I have fallen out of love with drawing. My painting has suffered because of it. I just put big shapes of color down and didn't really put my attention on the drawing. It has become painfully obvious to me. Guess I have or had a foolish notion that while I paint it will all fall together. Unfortunately this isn't always the case, not even close, least not for me. So in effort to fall back in love with drawing I went to a gesture session TO DRAW!!! going to make this a priority once again.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
did these studies on the same day last weekend. the bottom one I painted looking through a fence from across the street .It's a Steel mill and I was watching them dump this hot shit on the back of this dump truck. I would like to go back during the night and try to capture it. I was painting under a overpass and cars would drive by me getting on the freeway, it was very busy and noisy. I don't know what it was but people kept honking at me. Everytime it scared the crap out of me . So I painted fast, only trying to get the color. next time.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
I start to paint this little sketch outside and about 15 minutes into it a old friend of mine walks by out of the blue and we start chatting while I paint. In the process I didn't watch the valves and the piece ended up not being strong. Of course all this an excuse for the suckage.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Under the Over
Did these outside all last saturday. I spent no longer than 2 hours on a piece.